From flat surface into three-dimensions
"Through drawing my interest grew in sweeping movements, the human body, fragment shapes and movement
in general, and setting about focusing them in reduced form.
For several years I explored two-dimensional sculptures out of steel. How does volume originate out
of shapes, or the illusion of movement?
Here a shift in the proportions, rhythm, the art of reduction, and not least, swing play a major role.
Invariably it´s about involving the mind and living experience of the observer. There where something
is just hinted at, it is imperceptibly complimented in the mind. Here the exciting tangency of art
takes place. When the inner reality of the observer gets caught up within the sculpture.
Sculptures created under the principle of space, rhythm, proportion and reduction, in short under the
principle of swing, exist as small sculptures as well as monumental pieces of art.
Once the dynamics of the movement is set within the sculpture the eye follows it beyond the boundaries
and concepts of space are created. Through the vibrating dynamics the piece of work begins to
In the bronze series from 2005 shown here, the two-dimensional shapes begin to interlace. A delightful
game out of bodily fragments, space and rhythm. A challenge for the cast-bronze." (Agnes Keil)